SRD Consulting

SRD Consulting


We get things done. We make a real difference, and we make it happen fast.

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Economic Recovery Post Covid 19

Economic Recovery Post Covid 19

There is no doubt that Australia’s economic recovery will be construction led. No matter which sector, getting people back into work will be largely dependent om getting large projects moving again and re-engaging the hundreds of delivery businesses and teams and thousands of individuals on them.

Easier said than done – Why? Because using our tried and tested current methods of bringing a project to market takes too long (up to 3 years in a lot of cases). When the project is ready for tender, even our largest contractors will have had to let their resources go and won’t have the people available to respond to the Tender, let alone undertake detailed design and construction.

SRD’s answer is simple – change the delivery model to engage designers and constructors much earlier.

As a project comes off the capital plan and is sanctioned by the owner for delivery, a total competence engineering and construction consortia should be engaged, on a market tested schedule of rates. Their engagement should be based solely on their known capability. At the end of a concept selection phase which has had significant constructor input, the owner goes to the Board to sanction a preliminary financial investment on a +/- estimate with the understanding that the number and schedule will be firmed up to an acceptable level of probability while the concept is detailed and moves into construction.
SRD has detailed and documented this approach. Contact us for further information and for us to help you implement.